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HOW modern work tools shape our work?

ChatGPT -training

ChatGPT is currently a hot topic

How should you use ChatGPT?

If you need an inspiring and energetic keynote about how to use ChatGPT - this is for you! Antti can do workshops as well. Antti explains in a clear way without using tech jargony how your organization can utilize ChatGPT daily while bringing productivity up. 

Don't hesitate to contact Antti via email antti@merilehto.com or call. Antti and the team will get back to you as soon as possible.


"Training was full of concrete examples and we got to test the tools right away! "

ChatGPT -training participant
Extensive training of AI work tools

ChatGPT -training

How should I use ChatGPT? Will it do my tasks for me? Will it write the blog post I am supposed to publish in two days?

During the training participants will get the knowledge and tools how to start using ChatGPT right away.You will understand the best recipe for creating good prompts.

Antti has a background in analytics and has trained several organizations about modern work tools and what the future technology has to offer now and in the near future.


"I didn't have the proper understanding about these AI tools. Now I know several tasks where I can start using AI."

ChatGpt -training participant

ChatGPT workshop FAQ


How long is a workshop?

A workshop is about three hours including breaks. In the beginging Antti explains the terms and where AI technology is today. And in the later part participants can start practicing using the tools with the help of Antti.

Can we have a workshop online?

Yes it is possible but recommended to do in person because it will be easier to discuss about the tools and the feelings or the fears they might create among participants.

What will I learn?

You will learn how these tools work, what is the best way to form a propmpt, what can you expect from these tools and what do we now about the near future of development of AI tools. 

Can the training be tailored for our organization?

Absolutely! Let's have a brief call before the training and see what are your needs.

What will change after the training

After the training all participants will know the same terminology and it will be easier inside the organization to continue discussing about AI tools, the latest updates and how they will affect work.

Can we practice using DALL-E2 or Midjourney?

Workshop concentrates in the use of ChatGPT and how to create good prompts.  For AI image tools Antti will give some examples but if you need a training specifically on AI image tools, contact Antti and the team.

Can I learn this from Youtube?

Yes but if you want to be sure that everyone from your organization gets same training and gets answers for more specific questions, it's good to be in contact with Antti and the team.

How many participants can there be in the trainings?

Usually around twenty participants but there can be more of course. The training will be tailored regarding how many participants will be and their roles in the organization.

What should we do from our side before the training?

Before the training it is your responsibility to organize the space, good network connection and a screen. All participants must have their own computer with them. Be present for a brief call before the event.

I want a training for your coders?

Can do! This training will be organized by Antti and colleague Aleksi Paavola who is a developper and serial entrepreneur. Here the brief call before the event might be a bit longer than usually.

We have also English speakers?

And we have a workshop in English! Antti used to be a trainer at Google and he has lived in Toronto and Boston, so we are good.

Why order a training now?
It's good to think why participate or organize a hands on ChatGPT-training. 

Here's several reasons why your organization should organize a ChatGPT-training
  • ChatGPT adds productivity when it helps with ideation and manual work. Then you have more time for work that creates value.
  • Bring your customer experience on higher level.
  • Better future: AI tools are here to stay and can help you with many tasks. The change the way we work.

"Antti's training was clear and all the participants have a better idea how to utilize these tools"

ChatGPT -training participant